Caren Robb on Fintech and Financial Inclusion for Women

Despite increased financial access overall, the gender gap hasn’t changed much since 2014. And while fintech has potential to empower women, fintech and financial inclusion for women don’t necessarily go hand-in-hand. In a recent op-ed, Caren Robb discusses ways that financial institutions can promote gender-equitable financial inclusion and close the gender gap.

Fintech and Financial Inclusion Could Help Close Gender Gap – IWD Event Recap

Discussion of how fintech and financial inclusion can close the gender gap took center stage at FINCA Impact Finance’s 2019 International Women’s Day event, Can the Future Still Be Female? A Discussion on Fintech and Gender Balance. Panelists included Rosita Najmi of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Dr. Sonja Kelly of the US State Department, Bhavana Srivastava of MicroSave Consulting and Elissa McCarter Laborde of the Vitas Group.

Andree Simon: Why Banks Should Partner with P2P Platforms Like Uber

Simon highlights FIF’s recent initiative by which FINCA Guatemala is partnering with Uber Guatemala to offer a cutting-edge loan product to local Uber drivers. FINCA Guatemala’s loan application form is directly integrated into the Uber online dashboard. This allows drivers to apply for a loan using only their driving history, and allows FINCA Guatemala to process loan applications in just hours.