Announcement on FINCA’s Operations in Russia

October 13, 2017

On October 13, 2017, FINCA Impact Finance transferred all operations and ownership of FINCA Russia to Mikro Kapital Sàrl, a Luxembourg-based financial institution that serves micro- and medium-sized enterprises. The new institution under Mikro Kapital Sàrl will permit a range of services as well as broader geographic and client coverage.

With Mikro Kapital, we believe we have found a financial services provider who shares our commitment to expand access to responsible financial services by serving the microfinance and SME segments. Mikro Kapital believes that in many developing markets there is a deep hunger for improving living standards and narrowing the gap with the developed world. Its mission is to judiciously facilitate economic growth so that small businesses can grow.

FINCA Impact Finance is extremely proud of our legacy in Russia, of the way we have helped grow the microfinance industry since 1999, and of the lasting positive impact that FINCA has made for generations of the people of the North Caucasus, as well as other regions served by FINCA Russia since 2000.